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Sudoku of 28

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May 2, 2010..

Sudoku @ 5.30 am

It's 5.30am of my 28th birthday, n i'm awake.
Sebelah aku ialah my fren yg keletihan, n probably x dgr lagu
Happy - Leona Lewis
yg aku pasang dengan volume 1 dr Sony S312 aku.

cant sleep, or maybe it just my mind refuse to sleep.
Tonite was an insight. that's why i dont want to sleep.
My original plan was to have a good chat with the girls, but the plan was changed, or may i say hi-jacked. haha.. it's ok. i dont wanna be such a brat. My friends' happiness is my happiness..

so..it was so good sitting in the dark, alone.
give time to me to think bout what is it that i really wanted. All this time, i was so obsessed of finding my true self. About who i am, what i want people to think of me, what i might missed, what i was supposed to do, what was waiting for me outside the little world i trapped now..

but all the image i see is the person i dont want to be.
aku x nak jd like those ppl who have enuf of life, think that they already have everything in life they wanted. so now they want to rest and just go each day 1 day at a time.

aku juga x nak jadi mcm org yg terlampau relaks. relaks smpai xde plan wat to do tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. no plan to make sure the in-coming days will be better than the present. ready or not, future is gonna come anyways..

so these are two type of ppl i dont wanna be. Circle them out, and that's the person that I WANNA BE>

but it was never simple like that. So, i ask myself the big Q :
What kind of the person i wanna be?
honestly, i dont know. itu masalah terbesar untuk aku pada masa ini. dan aku perlu cari jawapannya secepat mungkin. Tapi, dalam pada itu, aku harap pengajaran, pengalaman dan iman akan menyuluh aku dari buat benda yang menyebabkan transformasi aku ke GME 2.0 terbantut.

Harap juga aku jumpa teman yang sanggup dan mahu bersamaku untuk sama-sama kita mengharungi loan jangka masa panjang ini..

Sayang kalian semua.
28, 2 tahun lagi dh jadi 30. takutnyee...