xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' The Wolf Cries: Our Own Ethiophia Part 1

Our Own Ethiophia Part 1

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6 May, 2010. 11:15 pm


I remember how hard my childhood is.
I was the brightest boy in skool, n in my family. I fight for no 1 in class with my nemesis, Fazni the girl who hv everythng. Well, financially, n everythng was kinda ok that time. But still, i was never happy.

Aku x dipilih sbg ketua dlm bdg apa2 pun, coz ckgu x pikir aku ckp tough. My family treat me like a naive kid. i never bond with my 7 brothers. they all bersilat, n my family known for wakil bola sepak. My sisters amik adik angkat from my classmate. Sentap x?

The point is, no matter how good i am, ppl always see this mask on my body. All they see is i'm LEMBUT. It was really hard for me. Even when at high skool, ustaz & ustazah - the person who i anggap mmbawa imej agama, still kutuk2 aku. Aku boleh le baca Al-Quran, tp ustaz tu x benarkan aku utk blajar tarannum, sbb suara aku slow katanya.. Ustazah aku tanya , "mana budak lembut tu, x datang ke?" masa aku x hadir.

I was so frustrated. Aku melihat sepupu aku yg moden n seksi di sblh umah. They live in KL. Ppl still kutuk2 depa coz their cj=hoice of life, but org yg kutuk tu no better. cuma they look so obvious. BUt overall, they have their own life, n x kacau duit org.

There was a time, bila dihimpit gitu, aku pernah tersasar sekejap. Aku nk ke KL (mcm sutun pulak), n be proud of myself. My sister, my ustazah, n everybody semuanya brcakap pasal agama...like aku ni satu dosa. I was a child!!! What did i do that was so bad?

Aku drop out skolah agama, aku masuk St John. Skool tu ade church besar, every sunday ade prayer. Kalo nk sesat senang je. Tapi, nasib baik le aku akhirnya jmpa bbrp org yg show me the way. Aku feel good of me. And aku tahu how to make me feel good. I was happy. Dan pada masa itu, aku kenalpasti apa yg buat aku happy, walau plannya x sehebat mana.

Syukur..jalan yang aku tempuhi membawa aku ke jalan yg aku plan. Matrix di KL, degree n found great friends that now i call friend... n i still know what i want, what i dont want to do.. but, aku x ckp aku x pernah wat mistake. tp wat life without mistake yg akan mematangkan kita?