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Empire State Of Mind

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peristiwa : char koey teow -ing with nahizul at ministore. die keje langkawi skrg. masyuk katanya, sbb wat bisnes sewa keter.. siap nak jual myVi. nk tukar Camry pulak..

i say wow ! hebat! and wat a coincident! aku br terpikir nak downgrade kete, dia nak upgrade plak.. tp konsepnya sama = nak tmbah $$. aku nak tambah juga, tp lg fokus nk kurgkan hutang..

Balik kedah kali ini juga agak rejuvenating. altho mslh2 yg menyebabkan aku 'lari' dr kedah masih ada, tp mcm aku slalu kata : "when u care less, things get easier".. so, kita just 'let it be' sbb 'i dont care'..

See, my point nk tggal di Big City tu adlh sbb i want smthng refreshing. i wanna taste of arts and mind bolting experience. i wanna do thing i always wanted to try, but never got a chance b4. i wanna expereience life and culture, give it pop or truly cultural..

Some of it i manage to make em happen, but unfortunately, most of 'em are all nothing but promises. Kinda dissapointed with KL actually. Most ppl i know are sample. pick 1 and u can sum up all of them. They dress the same, they talk alike, they ate the same food, the same place or ride the same road. It was something i refuse to succumed to, that is to be categorized or be recognised for the popular 'pop' n 'in' trend n trait.

Well, it not mostly about being unique, different or stand out anymore. But i wanna experience LIFE !
Everyday ppl are those who are living the day = work and play. they wake up in the morning, go to work, back at home, watch some commercial-load tv show and sleep. ON weekend, they spend few hundreds on pig out and KL-life style money burning. owh, watta life is that?

All this make me wanna go back to kedah la. At least here ppl are prone to change something. Kami di sini like negara membangun yg sdg cuba everything that is outdated already in negara maju. Macam kita kat sini br havoc ngan Blackberry and Internet, sedangkan kat America n Jepun, benda tu dah jadi lifestyle or smthing common life water and electricity.

"Kami"? am proud to be Kedahan. tp kena tggu few years (or months??) before i jd residen di sini semula. Gotta gv KL a chance, or a SPIN~ mgkin x jumpa the right chance yet. or the right group. or the right person... (makin kecil) mgkin kene cr d tmpat yg x disangka. selalunya mcm tu la kita jumpa brg yg kita x jumpa, kan?

owh, where are you. kdg2 rasa mcm nak cr partner in life je, coz life skrg rs sgt empty. Tapi x adil pula mencari seseorg utk melengkapkan kekosongan diri. Kerana pd aku, terimalah seseorg utk dia, bukan untuk kekurangan kita. Kdg2 kekurangan itu pengisiannya adalah sebungkus nasi lemak saja..