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F***ing Perfect !!

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the horoskop:
Remember when you were learning how to ride a bike? Sooner or later, the training wheels had to come off. Today you'll fly solo for the first time. You are prepared for this (whether you are convinced of it or not), so look on it as an exciting opportunity. This is a big deal, and you should be proud of this next stage in your life. It's finally time for you to stretch your wings and fly. Success will give you the courage to make forays into a new area of your love life too.

just thot that this is an interesting quote to share with u guys..

When we wud ever really be ready? or when is it that u feel prepared enough?

The fact is, destiny always find a way to screw us up.
Sometime it's rain, sometime it was too hot. sometime there's tsunami, sometime there's just nothing at all. just a too hot curry you ate on last dinner.

i beleive it when ppl say 'perfection is over-rated'. coz perfection itself is so subjective.
so, dont try to be f***ing perfect. and dont ever be yourself ~ that's the bigggest bullshit!
C'mon, how do u know who u r if u dont try it all. and are you sure u've been tru it all ?
U can never know who u are, coz brain is a powerfull machine. it can make u beleive whatever u want to beleive.

the point is, u just do what u gotta do. what u gonna be..

p/s : still can get over the perfectioness ~