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exams or test

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a lot of parent call me, tnya psl tarikh exam. sbb skolah x bg jadual. aku sndri d luar lingkup pgtahuan, so trpaksa whatapps ckgu lain.

how amazing kan how we change frm page, call, sms, fb n now whatsapps. thing are becoming more easier, i wud say, but not necessarily cheaper. me myself hv cnsider nk pakai internet pakej. nasib baik la bajet xde. so.. this pokai"ness is kinda actually blessing in disguise. setuju!?

berbalik kpd topik exam, parent sll tnya : exam ke test? i dont really get the idea, coz i want the kids to strive excellently every time. but maybe, they care for exam coz exam will determine kelas apa their kids will stay next year..

so, given dat situation, agaknya apa agaknya dlm hidup kita yg boleh dianggap exam or test?

for me, mybe dealing with my housemate ni is a daily test.. or time n sleep issue is a constant test.. exam? my pokai"ness definitely the killer paper kot.. n age issue!! thn dpan dah 30!!! itu mcm ujian akhir tahun.. n i wanna get B+ at least ;-)
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