xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' The Wolf Cries: August 2011

pearl in the puddle of mud

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this picture was taken ms majlis berbuka puasa few weeks ago at Haslam restaurant off jln phg. it was charity event utk asnaf (miskin) dan anak yatim.

i love to attend event2 mcm ni coz i get to know the kids better in more friendly way. biasanya dlm kelas, cikgu2 sibuk nk ngajar in time constrain dan juga nak handle peel satu kelas yg mcm2. ada nk pi tandas, pensil hilanglah, jari luka, sakit perut... mcm2!! so, in event like dis, i can enjoy n talk, even play angry birds with them.. haha. syok!

the boy is fariszudin. he is cute n funny. but for sm reason i hv a blur memory bout him b4 dat day. tp bila ckp ngan dia, it hit smwhere deep in me. bdk ni pndai, tp sian.. miskin. n mskin d area kl ni lg la kesian. kita yg bergaji besar ni pon kdg2 kena ikat perut.. apa lg org berfamili mcm ni.

1 lg..dia tggal kt slyg. area ni, walau dkat kl, tp mcm kmpung. mentaliti. bdk2 kurg motivasi and terdedah pd byk bnda buruk. in a way, bnda2 ni lg teruk dr kg.. i wish the best for him. hrp2 jd org yg baik besar nnti. blh bwk famili keluar dr slumdog ni..

few day after.. i went teaching mcm biasa. totally forgot bout that nite as i was late masuk kelas n guru besar meronda2 d skolah. (jerit!!) tp ms balik ada bdk grab my back and ckp " nak main telefon?" it caught me by surprise coz bdk2 biasanya know their boundaries.. i enforce them :-[ haha... i look at him closely.. oh faris!!!

Ya Allah, br la perasan sapa dia rupanya. patut la selama ni kurg perasan dia. baju dia comot, and dia x byk ckp mcm the rest of the kid. i tgk muka dia lama2, n smwhere dlm hati ni rs sayu semacam. kesian bdk2 mcm ni yg kurg dpt perhatian. we, teacher bkn x nk lyn smua peel bdk2. tp we hv jadual and byk keje2 lain d bahu. masuk keluar masuk keluar, x dnafikan kdg2 yg menonjol saja kita pndang. sian.

i promised myself nver to single out any kids, even b4 dat day lg. but yet, dat was hapen. i promise myself i'll b better next time. Janji!!!
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Black & Brown

4:01 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

2day is 20th day in ramadhan. i lost 5 kg alredi. so happy. slowly i gonna be in size n shape of how i was 6,7 years ago.

i rmmber i used to hate being so thin coz i feel cold easily. even when other ppl sit in front of a fan with max speed.. to me, that the perfect weather..

also, i used to tot that ppl will take me seriously if i were seen a lil bigger in size. being youngest son, i bound wit these custom n rule.. so i kinda hate when ppl see me as little emi all the time. i was too thin, n i feel like invisible sm time with kids sm age but btter built of body.

but i guest, that's ysterday news. i thnk i gain weight tremendously while i jobless in 2005. back in universiti i was an active jogger. to jog around Bukit Expo UPM was like my evening routine or brekfast.

nowaday, it just not diet or exercise to keep slim that i'm focus on. but i think, to stay healthy is a way of showing how grateful we are. syukurr to Allah's gift as He's gv me a complete n perfect set of human body. also.. too much food and weak mind is not good for the soul, if u not know it by now.. LOVe YOURSELF :-D
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exams or test

10:58 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »

a lot of parent call me, tnya psl tarikh exam. sbb skolah x bg jadual. aku sndri d luar lingkup pgtahuan, so trpaksa whatapps ckgu lain.

how amazing kan how we change frm page, call, sms, fb n now whatsapps. thing are becoming more easier, i wud say, but not necessarily cheaper. me myself hv cnsider nk pakai internet pakej. nasib baik la bajet xde. so.. this pokai"ness is kinda actually blessing in disguise. setuju!?

berbalik kpd topik exam, parent sll tnya : exam ke test? i dont really get the idea, coz i want the kids to strive excellently every time. but maybe, they care for exam coz exam will determine kelas apa their kids will stay next year..

so, given dat situation, agaknya apa agaknya dlm hidup kita yg boleh dianggap exam or test?

for me, mybe dealing with my housemate ni is a daily test.. or time n sleep issue is a constant test.. exam? my pokai"ness definitely the killer paper kot.. n age issue!! thn dpan dah 30!!! itu mcm ujian akhir tahun.. n i wanna get B+ at least ;-)
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