xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' The Wolf Cries: scoldfield in me :)

scoldfield in me :)

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aku sll trasa bosan, smtime lost when shopping 4 myself. lately, i hv a conflict. i hate staying home...love 2 go out n see the world. tp.. bila dok sorg ni, life kinda empty. kalo dulu ms dok kg, leh bli apa2 bg kt my lil star or mak aji, at least vitagen or tepung talam. but now, nk bli tuk sapa??

dats y kot my money rather spend utk keje n kids. tp apa sgt yg bleh buat pon. plus i on diet, n sengkek juga. tp sengkek2 pn, dh bli statinary n ni saja dh dkat rm100 lbh..

i dunno where the root of x reti nk bblanja utk dr sndri cm frm.. adkh rs insecure, x ckp kasih syg? gila pgkat? mkn puji? i hope bkn bnda yg negatif..

from wat i see, so far bkn sbb yg negatif. i always tot myself to be "ikhlas" in every lil thing i do. kdg2 kita mmberi ld yg x mahu. kdg2 yg mahu tp x malu pn ada..

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