xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' The Wolf Cries: music to my ears

music to my ears

7:07 AM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »
i always love story books. aku ingat
lg ms kecik aku penah kmpulkan smua story2 yg aku suka dlm scrap books. ada juga yg aku wat sendiri..

but smhow i dont share interest w fren yg suka tgk movie. x dpt feel fairy tale dlm hollywood movies nowadays sbb they dont want their movie jd disney movie kott.. i dunno y it take me smpai LOTR III br i enjoy.

tp bab tv, i love citer2 mcm Merlin, the tudors, game of thrones.. citer psl zmn dulu2.. suka tgk when woman r woman n men r men.. (if u know wat i mean)

nsib baik aku ngajar BM. so sesuke-suki aku masukkan bab cerita dongeng. bdk2 pn enjoy. the good thing is citer2 ni smuanya ada nilai2 murni..1 thing yg sgt aku tekankan. call me conservatif, but i beleive kids should be kids n live out their fantasies..
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